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Frequently Asked Questions ⤵️

  • Can we collaborate on a new book together?

    Wow! I'm honored :) However, I don't have complete control over the Baby University brand or series. The publisher, Sourcebooks, sources ideas for children's non-fiction here: You can submit your proposal there. The publisher and I decide on what books would be viable together periodically.
  • Can you replace my damaged/errored book?

    Oh, bummer! There are occasional printing errors. Usually, it's impossible to track down the source. However, if you contact the publisher here, they will replace your copy:
  • Where can I find your books in my country?

    Thanks for your interest! Up to date information about international distributors is available here: I would also suggest you visit your local bookstore as they will be able to import them in!
  • Can I translate your books into my language?

    That would be great! Here is where you can find the right person to talk to about foreign rights to my books: